
Remote Fundraising Via Order Form:

Our traditional form-based fundraising program is a easy and great way for schools, clubs 
and other organizations to raise funds with a well loved product. Who doesn't like popcorn!?!  Fund raise around the holiday time for an extra added bonus as everyone is looking for a great item to gift to those they love!

How It Works:

  • Contact us to sell the most amazing gourmet popcorn in a variety of flavors! A member of our team will work with you to choose flavors and options that fit your organizations budget and create an Order Form that can be distributed by hand, online or via eMail. Whether you share the order form in person, or use social media and other online networking tools you will find that everyone loves Grammy B's Popcorn and raising funds is easy (and tasty)!
  • Set an end date for your fundraiser and collect all your participants’ order forms, tally the orders and place one master order Grammy B's
  • Upon receipt of your order, we will give you a target date to receive your shipment of delicious Grammy B's Popcorn and work on our end to fulfill your order with the freshest, best tasting gourmet popcorn.
  • When you receive your shipment, distribute the orders to each participant for delivery to their customers. We’ll provide you with tips and suggestions to make the process as convenient as possible.
  • Sit back, enjoy all the great flavors of popcorn you received and plan how you will use the funds gained from your successful fundraiser to benefit your organization!

Online Fundraising, Convenient, Easy and Profitable!

How It Works:

  • Contact us to sell the most amazing gourmet popcorn in a variety of flavors! A member of our team will work with you to provide you with information to begin a successful fundraising campaign online via our website. Whether you share the information verbally (in person), or use eMail, social media and other online networking tools you will find that everyone loves Grammy B's Popcorn and raising funds is easy (and tasty)!
  • Set an end date for your fundraiser and be sure all your participants know when the campaign will end.
  • Grammy B's will work on our end to fulfill your participants orders with the the freshest, best tasting gourmet popcorn and will ship each order directly to your recipients.
  • When the campaign is over and the orders shipped, sit back and enjoy all the great flavors of popcorn you received and plan how you will use the funds gained from your successful fundraiser to benefit your organization!